Solution for Zoom H1 not connecting as Card or Audio when plugged in to USB
I just recieved my Zoom H1 audio recorder. First thing I tried, after having recorded a few samples, was of course to connect it to my computer to find out how they sound.
According to the manual all I had to do was connect the device to my pc while the device was turned off, and the screen should show the word “Card” or “audio” but nothing happened. But when the Zoom is turned on the battery icon turns off when I connect it to the pc, so clearly there is some connection.
I tried googeling this problem, and it seems a lot of people have experienced the same problem, but noone has found a solution on any of the sites I found.
But I did find a soultion. Even though the Zoom does connect to the computer it’s the wrong cable type. The first cable I tried turned out to be USB 1.0 (or maybe 1.1), when I tried with a newer cable (USB 2.0) it worked just fine.
Its not easy to figure out what kind of cable you have, but if you look at the plastic inside the connector you can usually tell which version the cable is. V 1.0 is White, V 2.0 is black and V3.0 is blue. So at least for me this was the solution, even though the cable did provide power to the Zoom it was not able to transfer data, so my advice is to find a newer cable.
I hope this helps you as well.